Saturday, August 8, 2009


I love thunderstorms. With a "FLASH" and a "BOOM" I stop dead in my tracks to shove my furry little face into the closest window pane. The rain's pitter-patter fills my ears until the voice of God speaks his mind and rumbles the very ground beneath my feet. Before I can react to His request I am temporarily blinded in my response by the most incredible light show on the face of the Earth. Awestruck only begins to describe the emotion that grows across my face. If I could only have a box o'popcorn and my camera in every such situation my life would be complete. Or rather, maybe just my camera. I would be afraid my buttery fingers may smudge the lens.

On this earth, we have such a short time to make a difference. Our lives fly by carried by the wind which blows away the greatest of storms. Therefore, our "purpose" cannot be a quest waiting to be achieved in the morning. It is a resposibility to be had in the moment. One cannot be afraid to reach out, take what is their's, and become something larger than life. Let your creativity thrive.

As a photographer nothing is more fulfilling than learning how to observe life in a new and unusual way. Learning how to capture these special moments on film is an opportunity that brings tingles to my spine and an itching in my hands and fingers. I long for my camera, a second eye that can capture those "golden moments" in my life and the lives of those around me. Take nothing for granted. Every moment is an opportunity. And don't be caught without your camera.

My name is Ryan Warburton, and this is my work, my passion, story.

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